Hello, my name is Trinidie Ashayla Lyona Gillerson. I believe I will become somebody one day, and I have a story to tell. On September 7, 2023, I and my dad traveled to Marion Indiana. We both moved in with his girlfriend and three children. I was told this state would have a better impact on my life.
Since I am nineteen years of age I can no longer enter regular schools, so I registered myself into Grant Regional Adult Education. I noticed this school is a great opportunity for me. I am glad I moved and enrolled in this school. I can now finish school on my timing. I also get to graduate and enroll into college that Marion Regional Career Center provided for me here in Indiana.
After graduation, I can look for jobs, find better paying jobs, and pursue my career journey. Graduating from Grant Regional plays an important role in my life. Adult education has helped me graduate before the age of twenty-one. Because of adult education I can put down I have my high school diploma on job sites. I can finally stay at a job without getting fired. I will not ever have to go back to fast food jobs. I will not ever have to struggle again, I can succeed in life, and finally feel happy.
Adult education has helped me find my way into college. This will help me get a career job that pays more than thirty dollars an hour. This career job will sustain my life and make my dreams come true.
Also, adult education will help me earn my bachelor and master's degree through college. Grant Regional Adult Education has put me in courses to finish my work early, graduate on time, and reward me with my diploma. This certificate will make it easier for me to get a job. Now I can find a job that requires a college diploma, a bachelor's degree, and a master's degree. Graduating from Grant Regional can improve the quality of my family life. I can now make my family members proud by graduating from Grant Regional Adult Education. I will earn more respect from my sisters and peers. I can inspire my younger family members to finish school, attend college, and prepare for this lifestyle.
Also, I can motivate them to be healthy, make the right choices in life, and keep their head in the books. This will make my family members smart and successful. This will improve my achievement and home environment. I can now perform better in school, at work, and even at home.
My knowledge and success will make the family closer. I can now have a better lifestyle and support my family members who are in school. Now that I have all the knowledge and education I need, I can understand the people I hang around well.
Grant Regional Adult Education has made me become a smart, educated, and well-understanding woman. Also, this program has prepared me for the future.
So, now I can further my future through college. This will make me a responsible student and help me to take notice of the work in the future. I get to occupy myself with the important duties in life to get me to the healthy and rich lifestyle I worked hard for. Grant has helped me over become the challenges in life by providing simple work for me to complete in order to graduate and succeed.
A challenge in school for me was arriving to school, waiting on the bus, and always being late. It was hard for me to get to school when my parents are always at work. Grant Regional is located three minutes away from my home. This means I can walk to school without any interruptions. I can come in at any time that is acceptable for me, and leave whenever I want. This pathway makes it easier for me to get into school and out of school. This school has made it easier for me to achieve my dreams and graduate.
Grant Regional has made me a successful person overall. This career center has inspired me to pray and grind for my desired lifestyle. This program has made me focus on my future to achieve my dream. Since adult education has helped me earn my diploma, vehicle, and career job. I can continue my education by entering college. Receiving my college diploma will satisfy my life. Therefore, adult education has helped me forge my future by finishing school.