Community Education
NLD ID #96713Contact Information
Cleveland, OH 44111
Hours of Operation
9:00AM-5:00PM by appointment
Program Overview
Smart Development Inc. was established in 2018 as a response to a lack of representation within the nonprofit community-improvement and service servicing under-represented communities. Ethnic, racial, and religious minorities are a special focus for our organization, as well as low-income families, immigrants, refugees, and greater Cleveland residents.
We provide: community development and improvement services, housing/affordable housing, financial literacy and home-buyer education, workforce readiness/employment (placement, resume, etc) assistance, and educational assistance for ESL, reading/writing, and work with other community partners to get the services a family/individual needs to thrive.
We've helped in 2023: over 65 families become new first-time homeowners, prepared over 378 individuals for workforce/employment, helped over 200 individuals increase their writing/creating and financial educational knowledge, 96 individuals obtained digital literacy certifications, over 60 adult education and GED, and beyond!
Cost Info
Educational services are at no cost to clients, other services may come with a cost, depending on financial status of individual/family.Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Learn English
- Improve my workforce skills
Instruction Type
- In-person