Fremont Union High School District Adult School
NLD ID #92515
Contact Information
589 W. Fremont Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Hours of Operation
8 a.m. - 8 p.m. M-Th; 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. F
Program Overview
FUHSD Adult School offers a wide range of classes for learning
English, completing high school diploma requirements, improving employability skills, preparing to enter a career field, or exploring a myriad of creative and fun topics. The Career Education classes include:
-- Accounting Certificate (Accounting and Quickbooks)
-- Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Home Health Aide
-- Data Science Certificate (Python, R, SQL, Tableau, noSQL)
-- Python Certificate (Data Science, Machine Learning, Tensorflow, Artificial Intelligence).
FUHSD Adult School is located next door to Benihana at Vallco Mall, Cupertino, CA.

Cost Info
There is no cost for English Second Language, Adult Basic Education, high school diploma completion, or high school equivalency (e.g., GED) preparation classes. Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) Adult School does charge fees for community interest and certification-type classes.Education services
- Read and write better
- Help my child learn
- Study for my high school equivalency exam
- Learn English
- Improve my math skills
- Improve my technology skills
- Become a U.S. citizen
Instruction Type
- In-person
- Online