Interactive Family Literacy
NLD ID #127088Contact Information
Memphis, TN 38108
Hours of Operation
Program Overview
Interactive Family Literacy is family learning software with over 8,300 learning activities in English and Spanish for children and youth between the ages of 4-18 that families own and can use for the years-long journey that literacy takes. The phonics activities are graphically appealing, rich with audio, and fun to play for both children and adults. The vocabulary activities provides all of the words in the top three high frequency vocabulary lists. The software builds reading fluency by providing a peer-guided oral reading experience. The comprehension activities include higher order skills such as summarizing, inferences, and the emotional content of stories. For young children there are over 250 e-books. For youth, there are over 300 readings from high interest-low reading level (Hi-Lo) readers. Interactive Family Literacy helps children and adults learn to make the best decisions based on their progress. This kind of decision-making is the number one request by employers.
Cost Info
All programming is free.Education services
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
Instruction Type
- Online