SLD Read
NLD ID #89026
Contact Information
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Hours of Operation
Program Overview
Multisensory, phonics based, structured and sequential,
intervention program based on the Orton-Gillingham approach to teacheing
Cost Info
Cost for Services are based on family income and family size. All clients are subsidized through public support. Pro-bono services are provided through specific at-risk schools within Grand Rapids, Wyoming, Big Rapids, Kalamazoo, Portage and Kelloggsville Public Schools.Student and Volunteer Success Stories
"I am writing this letter as a thank you for your help. I attended the SLD Read during my third and fourth grade years (1995-1996). I was diagnosed with dyslexia and one of your tutors gave me the extra attention I needed to learn to read. The reason I am writing this letter now is that it is a time of personal reflection. I just graduated from Western Michigan University, completing a four or five year program in a little over two years. I graduated summa cum laude with honors. I know that these accomplishments would not have been possible without the help that your Center gave me. I know that sometimes people in service feel unappreciated and forgotten. I hope that my story and success will be a small moment of pride at the difference you make in teaching students to read when they feel like a failure at it.
As a former student, I only wish to express my deepest thanks for all of your assistance. I am sure without your tutoring I would not be where I am today. You took an eight-year-old child who could barely read, and saw potential that others missed. Your program instilled skills that have allowed me to not only succeed, but also thrive in learning and schooling. I will attend graduate school in the fall. I have become an avid reader, who enjoys learning, from a child who hated how difficult and foreign language seemed. I still struggle with some aspects of dyslexia, spelling being an issue, however your program gave me the skills to overcome, or compensate for any lacking ability. Thank you so much for making a difference!"
Education services
- Read and write better
- Find a family literacy program
- Help my child learn
- Volunteer at a program